Parents » Homework/Academic Enrichment Policy » ELO-Program Homework/Academic Enrichment Policy

ELO-Program Homework/Academic Enrichment Policy

Homework/Academic Enrichment: This time is designated to complete homework. Students will receive support, but there is not a guarantee that is will be complete or 100% accurate. It is ultimately the parents’ responsibility to check their student’s homework to ensure it has been completed and understood.
Students who do NOT have homework, will be directed to complete lessons in the Lexia reading and DreamBox math internet-based programs. Both programs are adaptive and will always provide assignments that will meet the students where they are academically and challenge them to improve.  
Each student that participates in an ELO-Program will be provided a district Chromebook, headphones, and an individual district purchased software license to be able to access the programs during program hours. These programs can also be accessed by the student twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week if they have access to the Internet and technology at home.
If parents would like to have a copy of the growth reports, they may reach out to the Site Facilitator or Site Coordinator at the school site.